DKZP Kormbadka school consists of Grades from 1 to 5. The school is Co-educational and it doesn't have an
attached pre-primary section. The medium of instructions in this school is Kannada.
This school has proper road facility and is located in between Kormbadka-Duggala road.
The school is a government building and has got 3 classrooms for instructional purposes.
All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities and a
separate hygeinic room for mid day meal preparation.This school has a separate room for the Head master/mistress.
The school has electricity connection and has a functional hand pump, which is the source for
drinking water . The school also has functional washrooms for both the genders, a playground, a water tank facility etc.
Kormbadka school also has access to a ramp for disabled children to access classrooms.
School has a computer and a printer for teaching, learning and to maintain school records.
The school provides mid-day meals for the students, which is prepared in the school premises itself by 2 Cooks.